Ticket Booking Flow

Category item detail

This page can be accessed by clicking on any item of a particular category on the home page all segments items.

This page contains “Critics Reviews” and “Recommended movies” list in the horizontal direction which are scrollable. On clicking on “See All” it navigates to the Recommended movies page.

This page contains detailed information of the particular event or movie. This page navigates to the review page and book tickets page.

Critics review

This page can be accessed from the “Category item detail ” page by clicking on the reviews button. This page has two tabs one is “USERS” and another is “CRITICS”. The user segment contains the reviews by the user and the critic's segment contains the reviews by the critics. Here this page is only UI for demo purpose but you can integrate this with any back-end and get the data from the server.

This page can be accessed from the “Category item detail ” page by clicking on the See All button at the right bottom end of the page.

This page contains the recommended movies for the user. All the movies are arranged as the list items in the vertical direction.

Book Ticket

This page can be accessed from the “Category item detail ” page by clicking on the “Book ticket” button at the very bottom of the page.

This page contains the event/ movie booking detail. This page navigates to the payment page.


This page can be accessed from the “Book ticket ” page by clicking on the “Cards” button at the very bottom of the page. This page can be used for the payment method for the event/ movie booking.

This page navigates to the Payment confirmation page.

Payment confirmation

This page can be accessed by clicking on the pay button after entering all required input fields in the payment page.

This page navigates to the show ticket page by clicking on the “SHOW YOUR TICKET” button and to home by clicking on the “GO TO HOME SCREEN” button.

Show your ticket

This page can be accessed by clicking on the show your ticket button in the booking confirmed page. This page navigates to the home page by cliking on the cancel button on the top right corner of the page.

Last updated