Social Login

Google Login

To setup Google Login in the Ionic Angular Capacitor Full App starter, you need to perform following steps

  • Create a new Google Project via either Firebase or Google Developer console

  • Create 'Web App' in the Firebase project. Copy the configuration from the web project and paste in environment.ts in the starter

  • Replace web-client-id in the starter with web-client-id of your Google Project (This is automatically created when you create the Google Project). You can get this from Google Developer console

  • Replace the GoogleServices-Info.plist and google-services.json with the respective files from your Google Project. You will need to add an iOS and Android project to be able to receive these files from Firebase Project, respectively.

  • Make sure the app ID (com.xxxx.xxxxxxx) you enter when creating Android or iOS app in your Google Project is same as your app ID

  • Make sure you enter the SHA-1 key from your system in the Android app of the Google Project

  • For the web-client-id to work properly for your domain (or localhost:port) make sure you enter the required domain URL/local URL in valid Javascript origins in Google Developer Console (Click on the web-client-id and enter the origins)

You can check out detailed instruction on our blog - Google Login in Ionic Angular Capacitor App

Last updated