Login Screens

Login, OTP, recovery screens


This page can be accessed as the app loads. By clicking on the login button it navigates you to the login verification page.

The login page can be used to perform login action with the phone number or by facebook social login. Currently, facebook login is only for demo purposes you can follow our tutorial to implement facebook login in Ionic.

The login page contains “Account recovery” page navigations too.

Account Recovery

This page can be accessed as the app loads. By clicking on the “Trouble login in?” it redirects you to the account recovery page.

The account recovery page can be used to recover a user account with a username/email. Currently, the account recovery is only for demo purposes.

The account recovery page also contains “Login page “ page navigations.

Login with phone number

This page can be accessed from the “Login” page. Login with phone number page can be used to authenticate a user to check a user is registered or not. After entering the registered mobile number it navigates the user to the OTP verification page which a user receives after entering his/her mobile number.

Here these two pages are only UI and for demo purpose.

OTP Verification

This page can be accessed after entering the phone number in login with phone number page. In this page, received OTP on user’s mobile gets verified for letting the user to access the home page. On clicking “CONTINUE” it navigates to the apps home page. This page here is only the UI but you can make it a fully working app by integrating a suitable backend by a developer.

Last updated