Taxi User App - Setup

This page describes how to set up the Taxi User App with Firebase Integration.

Remember to enter your own GOOGLE API KEY in the source code in the place of YOUR_API_KEY. Without this api key, many functionalities might not work, especially maps. Check the docs for more info

It has 3 steps which are as follows. Make sure before these steps you must have completed the Initial Dev Environment Setup :-

  1. Running the App (Web Browser)

  2. New Firebase Project Setup

  3. Firebase Integration into our app

1. Running the App

Go to Running the App ( Web Browser) section to complete this step. Here we will run our app in the development mode.

2. Firebase Project Setup

Go to New Firebase Project Setup section to complete this step. Here we will setup the firebase for our project, change permissions and rules, add web project and generate the required config.

This step has to be done only once in setting up the complete taxi platform.

3. Firebase Integration into our App

Go to Firebase Integration Into our App section to complete this step. Here we will setup the environment files in Ionic project to connect to right firebase instance. Previously it will have config to our sample firebase. If the connection is proper and rules and permissions are right. You should get your app working.

Completed User App setup

Now we have successfully run the User App. We need to setup Driver App to complete the next steps.

Go to the Taxi Driver App - Setup section to move to next major step.

Last updated

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