
For Android Build com.capacitor.Config issue

While building your application using android studio you will get the error for Capacitor config package (Twitter Plugin).

error: cannot find symbol import com.getcapacitor.Config

To solve the issue, goto file (path will be shown above in the Android Studio Build Output) and comment out the import statement for com.getcapacitor.Config

Android Google Login SHA1 update

To setup the Google Login, you need to add the SHA1 key to the firebase project.

Goto your Project in Firebase Console and open Project settings. In General tab (Scroll to bottom) you will see the option of android application. There you can add SHA certificate fingerprints.

To get the SHA1 key for your system. You need to run the below command

keytool -list -v -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android

This will provide the SHA1 key information of your PC. Once you add that to Android app in firebase console, google login will start working.

Last updated